{ "connectTimeout": "Connection timeout.", "cookieError": "Please enable the cookie of the browser first.", "enableWifiEnhance": "Enable Signal Enhancement", "forgetPwd": "Forgot password?", "goBackLogin": "Back to Login Interface", "goLoginPageByTime": "Jump to login interface after %s s.", "inputPassword": "Please enter the password.", "inputUsername": "Please enter the user name.", "login": "Login", "loginLockError": "Incorrect user name or password. The device will be locked after %s failed login attempts.", "maxUserLink": "No more user can be logged in.", "notSupportZhPass": "Password does not support Chinese characters.", "notSupportZhUser": "User Name does not support Chinese characters.", "passwordToLong": "The length of the password cannot be longer than 16 characters.", "pwdModifiedFailed": "Failed to modify password.", "pwdModifiedSuccess": "The password is modified.", "usernameToLong": "User name cannot be longer than 32 characters.", "verifyIdentity": "Verify Identification", "wifiConfig": "wifi Settings" }